Where are we based?

Halwa Craft is based in Mumbai, India. We dispatch orders from Mumbai and deliver across India and can also deliver internationally on special request.

How can I order Halwa?

Halwa Craft can be bought at:

1. This Website - You can add to cart the products you want to order and checkout using online payment or COD option for a nominal charge. Delivery across India! Shop here on the website.

2. Amazon - link here

3. Big Basket - link here

4. Stores - see details here

5. Swiggy in South Mumbai only - search for Halwa Craft

6. WateronClick.com in Tamil Nadu - link here

Will the Halwa not spoil during transport?

Please be rest assured that the Halwa will remain absolutely fresh even throughout courier delivery. Our Halwa has shelf life of 12 months in ambient condition / room temperature (no refrigeration or freezing required or suggested) without any preservatives. This has been tested in third party laboratories. For more information on how we achieve this, please read the answers to the questions below.

What is the shelf life of the Halwa?

12 months in ambient condition (no refrigeration or freezing required or suggested) without any added preservatives. This has been tested in third party laboratories.

How is shelf life so high without adding preservatives?

Firstly, we use a safe and innovative sterilization packaging technology to ensure high shelf life for our halwa. Secondly, our primary packaging material is multi-layered, making it impermeable to any organisms, and is sourced from one of the world's top manufacturers. Lastly, we use high quality ingredients that retain their freshness over time. These three factors help in increasing the shelf life significantly and retaining freshness of the halwa.

Other brands such as Amul also utilize a similar sterilization technology for their tetrapack milk packaging with which milk can be kept at room temperature for 4 months without spoilage.

What is the best way to enjoy Halwa Craft's halwas?

See a video on this here. The best way to enjoy Halwa Craft's halwas is to open the seal and heat it in a microwave oven for 20 seconds and eat it with the spoon provided. The cup is made of completely microwave-safe, food-grade material, that can withstand very high temperatures (much higher than microwave ovens) and does not leach any chemicals in the food whatsoever. Do not heat the cup in a regular OTG oven.

Alternatively, you can take out the contents in a pot and heat it on a stove.

Our halwas can also be enjoyed at room temperature or cold, as per your preference.

Once seal of the cup is opened, store in the refrigerator for upto 2 days.

What is the base of the Halwa?

Moong Dal Halwa base is Moong Dal, Almond Halwa base is pure Almond (50% of the ingredients consists of pure Almonds), Coffee Walnut Halwa base is pure Walnut (40% of the ingredients consists of pure Walnuts) and Anjeer Multigrain Halwa base is a mix of flours of Jowar, Bajra, Ragi and Wheat.

Why are Halwa Craft's halwa priced at a premium?

Usually packaged consumer foods have high levels of sugar and fillers to reduce the cost and hence pricing. Moreover, to increase shelf life, preservatives are added instead of providing better, sterilized packaging. Although the resulting food product may be tasty and low priced, but it is not nutritious by any means.

We at Halwa Craft believe in providing home-made quality halwa, replacing your effort in making halwa at home with a convenient pack that can be bought anywhere, but also having the same home-made quality & nutrition. Our halwa recipes are exactly the same as home-made recipes that our mothers and grandmothers used, having high proportion of nutritious dry fruits and grains, besides using the best quality brand ingredients such as Amul Desi Ghee. We have also made our halwas as healthy and nutritious as possible, keeping ghee and sugar to as low as possible. As mentioned above, our sterilized packaging innovations ensure freshness and long shelf life without the use of preservatives. We encourage you to try our halwa and feel the difference! 

Which of Halwa Craft's halwas are good for kids?

We recommend our Almond Halwa for your little ones. The Almond Halwa is rich with 50% pure Almond content, that is high on protein, dietary fiber and brain boosting minerals. We recommend getting our 3 Cup Box of Almond Halwa to ensure free shipping - satisfaction guaranteed! 
